Marriage License & Other Info

Legal filing of your license

After your ceremony is over, we complete paperwork with witnesses. The filing of your license is done through certified mail and we do provide you with the tracking number.

New York City Marriage License Information

Getting married in New York City and New York State is relatively easy. You both must apply in person for your license to any town or city clerk in the state and the license must be signed by both applicants in the presence of that town or city clerk. This license is valid for 60 days; active military for 180 days. For further information and to start your online application (valid for 21 days), please visit the NY City Clerk website.

New York State Marriage License Information

Park Permit Information

If you have your wedding in a public park with more than 20 people you will need a permit. Because it takes more than 30 days to receive the permit, you will need to plan for this in advance. You can obtain your permit at:
When you log onto this site, it will also give you information about photography permits.